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Wednesday 14 April 2010

6 Tips of How Men & Women Communicate Differently In Business

Different approaches should be taken when marketing products or services to a man when compared to a woman. As they say that men are from mars and women from Venus!  Both of them think very differently and hence, different communication methods are required.

For example, when a man decides to buy a car he looks out for the latest model, speed, mileage, etc. But when a woman goes out to buy a car, her primary motivator is an emotional one - she will choose a car depending on the colour, its usage, the feel of the vehicle. Because the male and female psychology differ so much, the way you communicate is essential if you want them to relate to your business, products or services.

Here are 6 tips for both men and women on how to communicate effectively with the opposite sex in business:

Tip 1 for men communicating with women:

Women are better listeners and they will analyze each spoken word. A lot of emotion should be involved in the talking, because women are drawn to emotions immediately and then the facts - it's the other way around for men.

Tip 2 for women communicating with men:

When women talk together in business they tend to ease into a business meeting/conversation with more social interaction and personal details, followed by the business element/sales pitch.  Whereas men are far eager to get straight down to business talk - they conclude the business element first, and then chat about their social/family elements at the end.

Tip 3 for men communicating with women:

Next important point is that women tend to have a greater capability of multi-tasking. They will be able to listen as well as read your manual/leaflet at the same time.  Don't stop talking or take this as them 'tuning out' they're still listening to every word you're saying!

Tip 4 for women communicating with men:

Men tend to lack the same level of multi-tasking as women, so when discussing business with a man - keep to point and  stop speaking immediately if he becomes distracted. Also, try not to cut across/interrupt a man whilst he's speaking (men talking to men in a professional environment rarely do this in conversation - they take turns! Women can have 3 different conversations taking place all at the same time, with loads of interruptions and interaction - that's bliss to them!).

Tip 5 for men communicating with women:

A Woman can easily express how much she has followed an explanation without even speaking a single word! Her facial expressions will tell it all. Read her expressions as well as her words.  Whereas men will use words as a primary communication method - if they don't understand something they'll use words to express it, whereas a woman might just LOOK puzzled.

Tip 6 for women communicating with men:

Men may be able to understand a product by drawing the outline of the product using a simple pen and paper. Men have a good capability of visualizing the three dimensional images of the product which is being referred to. Generally, women are not so good this. To present a clear picture/photograph, the sample or the actual product would be a much better idea.

To learn more about communication techniques and how to put the passion into your business and personal life, please visit:


  1. I am sorry to say that I have found this Blog extremely patronising. To imply that women only ever purchase using the emotive side of their brain is so untrue. I suggest you read up on NLP to learn how the three different people types are not at all linked to gender. In fact, when I purchased my car (as a mother), the safety rating was the main trigger, followed by the engine performance and fuel economy. Maybe this is because I am an auditory type. Oh and I didn’t give the colour a second thought.
    This Blog has turned the women’s equality movement back about twenty years by implying we are all fashion-conscious bimbo’s.
    That might be how you make your decisions, but it doesn’t apply to all. Still, at least we all know how to sell to you now!

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