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Friday 26 February 2010

Why I believe you should think like a Pirate for Business Success

The original title for my book was The Pirate, Gambler and Entrepreneur (which became shortened to The Pirate Entrepreneur when published). This is the introduction to the book and explains why I wrote it, and how I believe that the pirate mindset can be applied in business - the spirited, determined, ambitious and adventurous qualities.

I confess that my inspiration for writing the book came about because I needed an outlet for creativity and emotion. At the time of writing the first draft of this book, my professional life remained my bedrock, however, my personal life was in pieces.

I retreated to gain some inner composure and reflection time. That is when The Pirate Entrepreneur book was born.

The location I chose to write the book was a place called Nash Point in South Wales, just under a hundred miles from the birthplace of the notorious pirate, Bartholomew Roberts (Black Bart).

I hired the keeper’s cottage directly beneath Nash Lighthouse, which was designed in 1832 to mark the sandbanks off the point at the entrance to the Bristol Channel. The decision to build it followed a public outcry after the passenger steamer Frolic was wrecked with heavy loss
of life in 1830.

The lighthouse was ideal because I’ve always felt a great affinity with the sea. I also felt ‘emotionally’ safe there and the location allowed me to draw inspiration for my writing.

For one, solitary week, I looked out to sea, walked the coastline and immersed myself in the mindset of the pirate and drew on my own experiences as an entrepreneur. I read and researched as much as I could on the different character traits of successful entrepreneurs in history, past and present, and delved into the traditional pirate’s mindset.

As I stood looking out at the great expanse of water and its constant changing face, I was reminded that the analogies of business are all around us in life, but no more so when you look at the sea.

Business changes constantly, just like life. It ebbs and flows; it can be calm one minute and a monster the next. Just like business, if it doesn’t evolve, it dies. The sea and its different moods can affect everything in its path; an analogy of business life, if ever there was one.

For me, the pirate epitomizes the spirit of the entrepreneur. I suppose in some way it’s because I’ve been lured by the popular imaginary and stereotypical characters that exist on film. But saying that, I can’t help but love the rebellious, mysterious and determined characteristics that I believe lay at the heart of every pirate.

The mindset of risk and thrill seeking is also a common denominator for both the pirate and the entrepreneur. This mindset is the one of chances, playing the odds, trying to beat the competition. And yes, the ‘gambling’ part of the pirate’s mindset is highly competitive and full
of energy.

The only difference between an addicted gambler and the entrepreneur, in my opinion, is the level of control. The entrepreneur’s mindset, I believe, is very similar to that of the trader and the stock market!

The entrepreneur loves being a ‘leader of men ... and women’ and playing the business ‘game’ at a high vantage point, predicting all the moves. They are very calculated with risk in business, which doesn’t prevent them from losing, it just means they get better odds.

Many entrepreneurs choose to pursue extreme sports in their spare time – take Richard Branson, as a prime example. Successful entrepreneurs like pushing the limits, playing the game of chances.

I’ve tried hard not to stereotype the entrepreneur, as there are always exceptions to the rules, however, there are many successful business men and women who love calculated risk and the ability to ‘feel the fear and go for it anyway’.

This book is NOT a ‘how to’ manual of how to start a business – there are more than enough books on that subject. It was written with the intention of inspiring ‘would be’ entrepreneurs and also to support, encourage and keep the spirits high of those of you who are already ‘sailing on the high seas’ of business.

The Pirate Entrepreneur demonstrates the importance of thinking positively in business and how to use the most powerful thing you have at your disposal – your mind. By learning about the power of the mind, you can tap into that ‘super computer’ that you carry around on your shoulders!

If you would like to learn more about the Pirate mindset and how it can be applied in your business, click on this link to The Pirate Entrepreneur website:

Thursday 25 February 2010

Promoting Your Brand

Remember the importance of branding. If you haven't already initiated a brand for your company, now might be just the time. Use these simple techniques in the promotion of your special brand

Make your brand as unique as possible. Catch the eye of the public by creating something different- something that people have not yet seen. Instead of doing what has already been done, go the opposite direction and be creative.

Don't forget the legal dangers of copyright infringement related to borrowing or stealing from another firm's design. Although, it is always good to look at colours, use of fonts and competitor brands to get a feel for industry 'formats'.

Display stability. Take time in the development process to establish your brand and accomplish the look you really want. It's better to spend sufficient time in the beginning fine-tuning your design to the desired outcome, rather than to play with it after it's been revealed to the public.

Changing your brand, and all that's involved with it, including colors, slogans, logos, and tag lines, doesn't support an image of reliability and long-lastingness

Stability should be maintained with branding. If you have integrated a brand into your company's marketing, then use it all over the place. It should appear on all of your marketing materials, business cards, web site, and printed items. The same is true for your packaging. Your brand should appear on all of your products. .

Give your brand away to the public with diverse promotional products. You can help your brand to saturate the consumer population by handing out precious, yet low-cost, items. Promotional products encourage possible customers to keep in mind your brand and your gift every time they are used. Consider useful devices such as letter openers, flashlights, first aid kits, and CD cases.

Brands are an extremely effective marketing tool. Make them come alive - think of the brand 'personality' that you want to create (if your brand were a person, what would they look like, talk like, dress like?).

When working with your concept, consider the above to ensure the development of an effective brand.

For more information about marketing tips for small businesses, please visit: KISS Creative Communications at

Multi-level Marketing

Multi-level marketing is a business model where salespersons like sales consultants, distributors, and even franchise owners and independent owners work in harmony to increase the sales of the product, on commission basis.

This is more like a franchise arrangement where the sales of the product depend on the combined effort of each franchise and regional manager. There are multiple levels of people receiving commission. Usually there are seven or more levels. Multilevel marketing is basically a combination of franchise and direct marketing.

This concept started in 1980s when most of the companies started handling the stocking and distribution issues and started compensating all the individuals involved. This increased the interest of each member in promoting sales due to the chance of earning bonuses and since then the Multilevel Marketing companies have taken the responsibility of taking orders, shipping goods, and paying revenue. Things became easier with the transition to Internet. Product promotion, advertising and sales were made online and hence, the whole process began to be known as online MLM.

There are various MLM compensations plans. According to the uni-level or stairway breakaway plans there are two types of distributors involved managers and non-managers. According to the matrix plans, the width of each level in a distributor's group is regulated.

In binary plans, the limit of each level's width has two legs. Commission was paid when both the legs reached a specific target. In elevator scheme, the distributors pay splits after a certain number of units have been paid.

The commissions are paid in two ways, the first says that the commission is paid only if the product is sold and the second one involves paying commission even if the customer just signed-up, it doesn't require the customer to buy anything.

Because of the second method illegitimate MLM or illegal pyramid started to arise. The intermediate members used to make proxy customer sign-ups to receive commission and they used to tempt the participant to buy more products than they can be sold. But as most of these businesses present themselves as legal, precautions must be taken.

It is better to approach businesses that follow the first method of commission, where it's compulsory to make a sale and not just recruiting a customer. Here money isn't paid for customer sign-up at all. MLM marketing is being practiced all over the United States and in hundreds of other countries.

In 1979, Amway Corporation was accused of price fixing. They exaggerated sales claims, while their distributors sold the products at a minimum price. After that, FTC warned all multi-level companies whose commission was based on recruiting and not sales.

In 2006, all the business sellers including MLM organizations were asked to provide customers with thorough information, according to the Business Opportunity Rule introduced by the Federal Trade Commission, so as to save them from deception. Before that many motivating programs were started which hid the truth. Such programs were known as cult programs.

Laws have been made stronger. As a measure, pyramid scheme is banned in most of the countries. All the newly hired salespeople have to bare the cost of initial training and material. They even have to buy a big amount of inventory.

To test the legality of MLM marketing, the 70% rule is being implemented. The members are stopped from over-loading so as to increase their commission. Only when seventy percent of the inventory is sold, order can be made for new material.

For more information about marketing tips for small businesses, please visit: KISS Creative Communications at

Personal Branding For Success

One important part of branding is the image you yourself portray. Developing a likeable personal brand is essential for succeeding.

If you want to rise to the top of your particular arena, you need to first be able to sell yourself to your potential customers. Think about it. Would you rather do business with a person who smiles and comes across as friendly or with one who snarls and ignores you?

The first impression a potential customer receives is from you. Make it a good one. How can you accomplish this?

One: Become an expert source.

Two: Become a great communicator. Research shows communications skill is the top determinant for upward social and professional mobility.

Three: Draft a marketing plan for yourself annually, and review it quarterly. Include specific goals, strategies, action steps, and a timetable.

Four: Develop an 'elevator speech." Within the time that it takes an elevator to travel one floor - about 60-seconds - be able to deliver a succinct description of what you do, how you do it differently, and the benefit it provides.

Five: Build your Rolodex. Make new business contacts and stay in touch with them. Most people with powerful brands have powerful friends.

Six: Balance your individual style with clothing that will appeal to those you are trying to impress.

Seven: Learn good business and social etiquette. Buy elegant personal stationery and send hand-written notes.

Eight: Give something back. Giving your time, talent, and money to charitable causes is a brand-builder especially when it complements your brand strategy. Find a cause you are passionate about.

Your personal brand is one of your greatest business assets. Put as much time and effort into it as you do in branding your product. In the end, if you can't sell yourself, you'll find it nearly impossible to sell your product.

Learn more about Brand Building Techniques by visiting: KISS Creative Communications at